Friday, December 14, 2007


...the bane of my existance. As Caroline wrote about laundry being her bane, mine is sleep. I have always had trouble with sleep, even when I was little. The problem is I think non-stop. And, its weird the things I last night, I was thinking these very words that I'm typing. Its like I think in the past tense - like I'm telling someone else about whats happening in the future. Weird, huh? Or maybe its not weird, maybe everbody thinks like that, who knows. When I was little, I was always paranoid something would happen. Any little pain and I would think I was having a hear attack, and I would die in my sleep and no one would know, then I would start thinking about death...and on and on. (My mom says this is because of the ice storm when I was about 3 or 4, when the attic door next to my bed was banging, and I thought there was a bear family living in there, but who knows.) So, now I have been taking Melatonin to help me fall asleep. It really works, I mean 20 minutes after I take it, I can't keep myself awake. Which is what I have figured out I do...I keep myself awake for as long as possible. Because actually, I don't like sleeping (yeah, yeah, I know, me who sleeps all the time, doesn't like to sleep?) Here are some reasons why I hate to sleep...
1. I hate to waste time, and to me sleeping is the ultimate time waster.
2. There are so many other things I could be doing...crossword puzzles, puzzles, computer games, tv - you know, the important things.
3. Once I fall asleep, it is nearly impossible to get me up (many people can attest to this). I mean, I will make myself stay asleep...even if I have to pee really bad. Basically, once I'm asleep, I can't get enough of it.
I'm almost to the point where I hate taking the melatonin, because I know it will make me fall asleep, and then I will sleep forever. And, I hate sleeping til 12, I really do. I feel groggy afterwards...I waste more time...and its not the most enjoyable sleep. I normally hurt in parts of my body afterwards, from laying down so long. But, for some reason, its really hard for me to snap out of sleep. So, there is my sleep issue...and you see why I am trying to get my sleep to regular hours. Its not going so well. I pretty much sleep for 12 hours any day I don't have to get up. Any suggestions?

On the food front, I've been doing pretty good...but for some reason I don't feel good about this week. I feel fat this week (like I don't any other week). I've been within points, but it just doesn't feel like it. I am going to try and exercise today, and hopefully that will help. I finally took the time to figure out how to get the food journal in here is yesterday. We went to Bogie's for lunch, which is my new favorite place, but what I ate wasn't the best choice (although it was the best - delicious!) I only had 5 pts left for dinner, but I managed, and I only used 1 extra point. I really wasn't hungry either, so, I was proud. Also, the 100 calorie pack hostess cakes (which are 1 point!) are fabulous for those of you on WW. They are small, but they're the real thing, so very good! Alright, enough for today!