I'm a pretty quiet person most of the time. I'm a listener...I would say. That is, unless 1)you get to know me, and then I talk your ear off if you'll let me. or 2)you piss me off and/or make me look stupid. I'm very analytical, so I tend to think a lot, therefore what I have come up with must be right because I have thought about it so logically. (aka - I'm a gold, for any of you KKP people who remember the color test we did) Well, let me show you an example of how I can get when you piss me off and/or make me look stupid. Tonight I had my business class, we had a case study (5 page SWOT analysis on a company) due, as well as our midterm, oh and he said last week - "if you'll also go on Toys R Us website and get a couple strengths and weaknesses" - I swear, this is word for word what I remember. And remember I'm a listener, hint, hint. So, needless to say it was a busy week for me. That was just what I had to do for this class, not including work for my other class which is always a lot. On top of all this, I get the flu or something like it this weekend, leaving me down for the count. I finally came up for air on Sunday, and of course I had done nothing for my business class. I did a little bit towards my case study, then slept some more. Monday comes along, and I finally get to work on it. Well, I finished it - all is well in that area. However, I realize - oh yeah, I have a damn midterm. So, I go online to the class hub, to this weeks section, to the icon for midterm. I figured it would have info on it, maybe a study guide, who knows. Well, its the actual midterm - like I could have started it right then if I wanted to. Underneath the "Begin Midterm" button - it says "This is an open book, open notes exam." YIPPEE, I thought. One less thing for me to worry about. I organized my notes, printed off some things I thought would be helpful and I was ready to take the test whenever he wanted us to. Then, I went to Toys r Us and wrote down a few strengths, etc. I figured we would discuss them in class. So, on to class I go. First thing he says - lets take up your homework. First of all, I had put my case study in the online dropbox, which was fine. Then I thought, what else do we have to turn in. He says the Toy r Us swot analysis. I asked, "We had to turn that in?" He says of course. So, I'm pissed, sitting there fuming, but I'm letting it slide. I figure its a small part of the grade, I'll turn something in tonight when I get home. Then he starts talking about the midterm and I ask - "This is open book right?" Well, he sorta laughs and I'm like - I was serious buddy. Then we all point out the online midterm. He says - oh that comes from the department, I'll have to talk to them later. I'm like, so thats it...I'm screwed, cause I didn't have time to study. So, I said some more things to him - probably all of which were said in a bad tone. I can't really control myself when I get that way. I start shaking, I'm near tears, and of course anything they say from then on is wrong, because remember - they pissed me off. So, he keeps saying, while looking at other classmates - "why would I have given you a study guide if it were open book? That would be stupid." (I'm sure he didn't say stupid, but for my sake...) I'm like ok - now you're making me feel stupid, it was like he was making fun of me right in front of my face. Well, it went on from there, I brought up more about the toys r us thing - he asked "Was anybody confused about that?" And, nobody - seriously, I was the only one who didn't understand it wasn't supposed to be turned in. UGH!!! So, I left the room, cried in the bathroom, came back and started taking the midterm. I had it all set in my mind that I would leave right after the midterm, probably go talk to someone in the office and hopefully get him in trouble and get out of the class. Well, I was done with the midterm in 15 minutes, and just couldn't bring myself to pick up all my books and walk out. So, I stuck it out...pissed the whole time. Of course I kept sniffing from my cold - I'm sure everyone thought I was crying. Ugh...and remember this is all worse than I have made it seem here, ok. Well, it sure seems that way. I do realize that the way I acted was overdramatic, but like I said I can't help it. Plus, I'm PMSing, so we all know the emotions go crazy then. But, I'm still pissed, and I wish this guy would organize himself better with the online part. My other class is completely online so I get used to using the online hub. I don't even think he looks at the hub, yet we are supposed to do stuff on it, and at the same time, only listen to what he says.
Sorry, maybe my next post won't be me bitching about something. Here's hoping!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bad Night
Posted by Kristi at 9:41 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
OK, so I don't have much time to write. I have a lot of school work to do and its very frustrating since I'm not at all motivated to do this particular work. But, a quick update...I lost 2.2 this week!! Yay, exciting! I am at 14.8....almost 15 and almost in the 210's!! yay, its definitely been awhile since I've been there. I cannot wait to be under 200...that will just be wow! But, I have been sick all weekend. I spent more hours asleep Saturday then awake. And, of course, this happens when I have a lot of work to do. I still feel like crap, but not near as bad as this weekend. Hopefully another night of good sleep will make it almost gone. Alright, well, on to coming with strengths and weaknesses for IP and putting that in APA format....boo!
Posted by Kristi at 2:58 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I am so incredibly annoyed right now. First of all, I'm tired. I finally started taking my melatonin again last night, and slept great. However, it was not long enough to make up for my horrible sleeping the last few weeks. I had to be at work at 7. Its frickin freezing outside. I'm actually sick of it. I love the cold, but if its not gonna snow, I'm done with it. I've been cold all morning. I want to walk around with a blanket covering me. Next, I have a lot of school work to do. And, of course, I've been putting it off. So, that is sitting it the back of my head yelling at me. Then, I have to call insurance companies for my job and I hate it. Insurance companies are so complicated and my employer is anal about making sure we get the persons name and we answer every possible question. Well, most ins. cos make it a little easier by making it available online or having an automated system, however when you're employer wants every question answered, you can't get them all answered off those. So, you have to talk to someone, which if anyone has ever tried to call insurance or a credit card co, you know thats next to impossible. Thankfully, the ones we use most are pretty easy. However, today I had to call United Healthcare and I HATE calling them. You call this one #, they ask if you are a health care professional, and we are, so you say yes, and it takes you through to a person eventually. When I ask them for mental health benefits, they say, sure, let me transfer you to this #. Where do they send me? Back to the same damn # I called in the first place. And they ask me if I'm a health care professional again! So, one day I tried it and said no...it worked! So, I tried that today, and what happened - after being transfered to that # again once, they said they needed to transfer to another #. I told the lady that the other lady transferred me to you! UGH!!! I finally got someone that could help me, but it is so annoying. Then, right after that, I get a call from my boss (the doctor's wife handles his insurance and billing - and she is pretty much the boss) saying that she forgot to add something to the day sheet. One of the patients coming today and they haven't been in since October, and she wants her to resign some of the paperwork. I just dont get that...do signatures go bad after a few months?? I mean, why? I really don't understand, she signed it once...and thats legally binding right. Help me out here Caroline, you're in law school. Its just unnecessary paperwork. Then she just called me again and asked me to call an insurance company back because what they told me didn't make sense. Well, so what. Its their rule, doesn't have to make sense to you. You've got her damn name, (which she thinks is going to help if for some reason what they say isnt right) and thats not enough for her. I just told her, well I asked her that specifically...and she said, well, I'll figure out what I need to do then. I'm like good...cause I don't care. I called em once, asked what you wanted, and thats what they said. Too bad if its not what you wanted to hear. Not to mention the fact, that I don't know why we have to call the insurance companies before the person ever comes anyways. I've been in therapy before...and I never had to give them my insurance before I got there. Ugh, ridiculous!
People had better be careful today what they say to me, cause I'm likely to be bitchy! Maybe my mom should come in and work for me today. Yeah, wouldn't that be nice?
Oh, and I lost 1.4 this week...you'll have to wait for another day for me to be excited about that.
Posted by Kristi at 8:48 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Ok, so I had written a post last night while I was in class (I know, I know, tsk tsk) but first I have to add this. I hit a deer last night. Yup, scared the ever living crap out of me. Its weird because I was driving home from class, and the road I take is relatively new and surrounded by woods and pretty dark. I had a feeling I should be watching for deer, more than I normally would. I had my brights on and was looking really closely on both sides. Well, then I turn onto the street right behind my neighborhood where there really are no lights, I hit the back button on my CD player and theres a deer just right there. I hit it before I even knew it was there. I can still see it perfectly. So, I screamed and freaked a little, and turned my car around to see the damage. I saw something on the ground, and thought crap, its hurt. Then when I got closer and put my lights on it...it was flopping around and its so sad, I can still see it flopping. Then it just stopped moving. I called my parents and of course freaked my mom out since I was crying. Then I sat in the car crying, screaming, "I killed it, I killed it." Then, when my parents pulled up and I got out of the car, she sat her head up. She just stared at us for awhile, so we called the cops to let them know it was still in the road, and while my dad was on the phone, she just jumped up and ran away. Of course, we still had to wait for the cops, and they went looking for it. Not sure what they were gonna do, but anyways. Good thing I wasn't going very fast, my car has a little bit of paint rubbed off that we assume is from the hit (I don't remember scratching anyone's car) but other than that, no damage. My back was killing me last night, but it could have just been tension. Anyways, heres the original post.
I've been very busy lately, so I haven't had much time to post. I actually wrote this in class - yell at me if you want. This class I go to once a week is so easy compared to the online class. Its intro to business and its really straightforward, not to mention that I've had several classes like it before. So, don't get too mad at me. My other class feels like it has a constant and ever growing list of things to do. Right now, I have the MS Project exercise for the week to do, a small online quiz. I have made some posts for one of the topics. (I'm required to at least post 3 different days on both topics.) I answered 2 or 3 questions on one subject and then every day she asks at least 3 more questions on each topic. And of course, the 30 other people in the class are posting, so you can imagine how many posts there are. I was just checking some of the new questions she added and she has 2 more things we have to read separately before we can post on them. I still have one more chapter to read for the week, which takes me longer since I have to write things down as I read or else I forget what I just read. UGH...its a good thing this business class is easier. Also, good thing I'm not working full time, I don't know how I would survive the stress. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm completely lazy and love to sleep. The good news is that I got all my points for the class last week!! I actually jumped up and down when I saw that! So, at least I have an A for awhile!
I also lost 1.2 this week. I was kinda worried at WI since I had eaten at Olive Garden the night before and it was fantastic and I couldn't stop eating. I was telling my mom that I'm such a perfectionist. When I standing there on the scale, I was afraid I might gain, almost expecting it. Then, when she told me I lost, I thought, phew, at least I didn't gain. Then a second later I think I should have lost more. I have such high standards for myself yet I always expect to not meet them...no wonder I have issues!!
Posted by Kristi at 11:45 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Ugh, stress!
Katie is most definitely the cutest baby ever (and I know I said that about Ty, but I mean it this time). She is so happy and laughs and smiles a lot. We had fun playing peekaboo with her. I really just wanted to take her home with me. Sara had it right when she said she's addictive - you just want to hold her all the time.