Ok, so I know its been awhile. I'm surprised I haven't been yelled at yet. So...let me catch up. First off, we had Christmas #1 on New Year's Eve. We had dinner at the house with Mat and Melanie, then watched the Clemson game. Of course, it dragged on and on, and all I wanted to do was open presents. I was worried it was going to go into the new year. But, it didn't and we opened presents and I was extremely happy. I didn't really ask for anything this year, but yet I ended up with pretty much everything I wanted. Weird.
I got the usual stocking stuff, some cd's (so far I have only listened to Blake Lewis, and I like it a lot). I got a Nintendo DS, with PicCross and Brain Age to play on it. Mat has this system (of course) and I wouldn't let him play it much while we were in DisneyWorld. PicCross is a very addicting game, and I was really hoping I would get it for Xmas. I have pretty much played it nonstop since. I also got the newest CSI computer game, the first season of Grey's on DVD, more ram for my computer (yay!!) and several puzzles. One of the puzzles in the Sistine Chapel and it 3000 pieces. The most I have ever done is 2000 and it took me awhile. I'm excited to start it, but I don't have much time right now.
Katie is most definitely the cutest baby ever (and I know I said that about Ty, but I mean it this time). She is so happy and laughs and smiles a lot. We had fun playing peekaboo with her. I really just wanted to take her home with me. Sara had it right when she said she's addictive - you just want to hold her all the time.
However, we had to come home, without Katie :(. And, I started class yesterday. I have an Intro to Business class at the center, which is as interesting as it sounds. But, I did a really good job of taking notes and paying attention. I sat in the front, so I wouldn't be tempted to not pay attention. I think that will have to be my seat for the year. Unfortunately, there are two papers for this class and one is a group project. That I am not looking forward to, but oh well, what can you do? I also have an online class in Project Management that feels like I have to be doing something constantly. I have to post threads for discussions for both topics 3 different days during the week. Meaning, I have to go on at least every other day and read all the posts (which all say the same basic thing - I mean there's only so many different things that 20-30 people can come up with) then post something unique myself. And, the 6 posts per week is just the minimum, she really wants more. Also on top of that, I have a lab and assignment to do. The good thing about this class is there really isn't a major project due, and only one test at the end of the 8 weeks. My business class has a midterm and final, then 2 papers, and I think 2 quizzes a week, with discussion online and in class. Ugh...I'm definitely worried about getting it all done. I don't want to get behind, so I just keep checking it all the time. I'm surprised I haven't had one of those dreams yet, where you realize you were supposed to be in class all semester and you didn't go to any classes, and now you're there for the final and have no idea what to do!! Ugh...stress...I can feel it in my shoulders already.
On the weight front, I maintained this week - which I am actually really happy about. I had Christmas, New Year's Eve and out of town Christmas all in the same week. I didn't eat bad, but I wasn't as strict as I could've been. So, I'm ok with maintaining, I just have to get back on the stick.
Congrats on maintaining! With everything you've had gone on, that's a big accomplishment :-) Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas. Did you have any snow in Ohio??
Snow was on the ground when they got here, but didn't stay long due to rain.
Kristi...sounds like another hot-stone massage is in the works for you! You'll do great and I'm proud of you for getting back into school. And the teacher in me is happy you chose to sit in the front of the class! :)
Thanks for coming up last weekend! We had a great time and hated you had to leave.
I was yelling at you on the inside, I promise. And you might want to be careful about inviting people to be bitchy to me like I did. People can be mean!
P.S. People = Kristi
LOL - well don't let it happen again or I will NEVER speak to you again. I know that would be devastating to you.... ;)
You know I'm kidding though. Thanks for the kick!
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