Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Alright, I'm not saying much about certain things today, maybe later. I gained 1.6 this week, which really sucks, and I don't even want to talk about it. What's wrong is I weighed the night before weigh-in and it said 216 and the next morning it said 220.5. Keep in mind, the scale at home is 2 lbs heavier than at WW. So, I gained 4 lbs overnight.
I also am getting sick, which seems to be the inevitable after visiting Ty and Katie. How parents aren't sick all the time is beyond me. So, I didn't feel good from that yesterday, and I also started my period yesterday. I know, TMI, but I just had to show the awful day I had. I felt horrible, with cramps, and my ears hurting, and I was upset about WI. So...push all that deep down inside...

What I really want to talk about is the presidential race. I am a Clinton supporter, but overall a democrat supporter. If McCain becomes president, I may just cry. I will also be completely flabbergasted that this country is really ok with things the way they are, or that they think McCain is actually going to change anything. Anyways...I find the latest primaries to be very interesting. So, Obama was on his run...thinking he had this in the bag. But, not so fast seems that the country got a little tired of only hearing how wonderful he was going to be as president, instead of hearing how he might actually change things. I'm not against Obama in the least, I think either Democrat will do a good job. However, I had gotten really annoyed with Obama lately. It was like he thought he had won, and all he had to do now was to do victory speeches across the country. I have also been annoyed with how the Press has made it seem like Obama has smashed Clinton into the hes running away with the race. The democratic nomination race could not be closer to 50-50. She is only 100 delegates behind him. Even when one wins a primary, they're still splitting th delegates. As far as I'm concerned neither one should be calling victory until they stomp McCain into the ground. Anyways, I just hope that this changes Obama's strategy, cause I sure was getting tired of hearing how he is going to change the world, without actually hearing how he is going to change the world.


Caroline said...

UGH, girl I am so sorry. It's unfair weeks like yours that makes me feel guilty about losing so much on Monday. Maybe you'll see a much bigger loss next week?? Hang in there babe. I'm sorry this week was a disappointment and I hope next week is better!

Sweet T said...

sorry you're sick...I guess we have become immune!