Thursday, May 8, 2008


Ok, so I'm sorry. I know I said back on 4/15 that I would be writing more. Now its 5/8...sorry. Its still been really difficult lately with whats going on. My brother and sister-in-law are getting a divorce. I haven't like I could talk about it and I still can't really talk about it. But, at least you know whats been bothering me. My mom and I have fallen off the wagon. I don't know if I'd say fallen off completely, but we fell and are hanging on with one hand being dragged along. (Don't you love my metaphors..haha) This week I finally feel like I grabbed a hold with my other hand and I am slowly pulling myself back up. I know I said I was doing better last post, but I didn't stay that way. But, I think I ate such bad food lately, that I don't even want it anymore.
Last time I posted, I had gone to WW and lost .6 (amazingly enough). Then the next week, I gained .8 - which wasn't too bad considering how bad I was eating. The next Monday, neither me nor my mom felt like going to WI so we didn't (way to help each other out, I know). Then we were out of town this past Monday, on our way back from Ohio, so we didn't go again. We have decided to just skip this week and start anew next Monday. We both started counting our points again on Tuesday. Its been awhile since I did that and actually wrote them down, so I'm feeling much better about it all. I weighed this morning and it actually showed me down. We shall see come Monday what the results are. Hopefully I won't be back up any and I don't have to lose some weight all over again. Its amazing that I've eaten as badly as I have this past couple months and every time I weigh its about the same. I think I fluctuated between 214 and 217. Not too bad for what I was eating. It makes me feel better about after I lose the weight. It might not be too hard to maintain. Obviously I won't be able to eat as much as I have recently, but as long as I watch it, I should be good.
I haven been really bad about reading other blogs too. I guess it made me feel a little guilty about not writing in mine - so I have to catch up on those. I guess I didn't really want to hear about other people losing weight while I was struggling so much.
I was also at the end of a session in school and I didn't like one of my classes at all. I had principles of mgmt and quality mgmt. TQM was ok and I did fairly well on the quizzes midterm. But, MGMT was not so much - I had weekly quizzes in both. TQM had 10 multiple choice questions - and I usually got 10/10. MGMT had 15 and I always got a 12/15. Every time - it was ridiculous. No matter how much time I spent on it or what method I used - I always missed some. It was so frustrating. Needless to say I was not looking forward to the Final. I had the finals 2 weeks ago. TQM went as expected - I got a 97 on the exam with a 97 in the class....WOOHOO, third "A" thank you very much! MGMT was horrible. I felt horrible about it. I wanted to just go through and pick answers and be done with it. But, I didn't - I finished the exam and then wanted a bottle of wine. :) So, I had to wait a week and a half to see the grade. Wanna know what I got? Think you can guess? ..........93. Yup, thats right, I passed. Not only did I pass, I got an "A". My overall grade was a 93 as well. So, 4 A's to start off with, pretty good, eh?
My new classes started last week and I'll get into that more another time. Like I said, we went to OH this weekend for my niece's baptism. She turned 1 on the 28th. And, all I have to say is it was perfect timing. I really needed a break - and it never fails that seeing Katie and Ty seem to change my mood. Ever since I got home I've been much more productive and just more willing to do something other than play computer games. I hope it lasts for awhile. I wish they lived closer so anytimer I had a bad day I could go over and play with Katie and Ty. They really are just the sweetest kids ever. She just smiles all the time and shes in that stage where shes trying to make the noise that you make. I sneezed a couple times - and right after that, she made this loud noise trying to copy me. I sneezed after we got home and it made me smile cause I thought of her. I already can't wait to see her again and hold her! Hopefully soon! So, I think thats enough for now. Now you all know I'm not dead - sorry Caroline. I really should have called you or something, but I had just kinda collapsed into myself, and didn't want to deal with other people. Thanks for your concern!


Lauren P said...

I'm so glad to see you back, and it's totally understandable with all that is going on. Let us know if we can help in anyway...even if it's an annoying email everyday checking in with ya.


Caroline said...

Glad to see you're starting to feel better. I hate that you guys are going through this! Call me if you need me!