Sunday, December 9, 2007

Alright, already!

Ok, so, people are yelling at me to do more entries. Sorry, I've said I'm not that great at keeping up with it. But, lets see, I've been really good the last couple of days. I'm actually really proud of myself. Last night I went to Huey's with some friends, and I only had 16 points to use so before I left I planned out what was the best thing to eat. I didn't really want to go into my 35 weekly flex points. I had the fiesta chicken wrap, which is a pita with grilled chicken, cheese, and ranch, and its served with tortilla chips (which I normally don't eat). I figured that was the best option, estimating around 14 or 15 points. So, when Emily ordered a drink, I considered getting a beer, but I got water instead (Yay #1). Then, I only used like half the ranch that came with it (Yay #2). I did have a few tortilla chips, but only a few, and then thankfully the waitress took them away. Then everybody ordered dessert and I didn't (YAY #3). So, I was really proud of myself. I told my mom that had I not been watching my food, I probably would have eaten something before I left, because I was starving, and then I would have eaten all the tortilla chips, gotten a dessert and eaten it all, and probably had 2 beers. So, much better than what I would've done.
Then today, we all went to On the Border before Melanie took off out of town. My mom and I knew we needed to decided what to eat before we got there, so we went to Dottie's weight loss zone and printed off the list of food and points. (That is a great website for those of you using points, by the way). On the Border, not the best place to eat at all...we did find a couple of things that weren't too bad. My mom had the Baja Chicken, I think she ended up using 17 points or so. I had the lunch chicken fajitas (7 pts + 4 pts for 3 flour tortillas + 4 pts for sour cream and cheese). I had like 3 spoonfuls of rice and NO CHIPS! Go me! So, I used 16 pts and still have 14 left for dinner. Plus, when I left I felt better than I ever have leaving there. I wasn't stuffed at was great. I will have to remember that feeling.
So, all is well so far. I think I might take a bike ride today, since it is 75 degrees outside. Weigh-in is tomorrow, so we will see how well I really did. I better lose something or its going to be really disappointing.
I'm also scheduled for 2 classes in January, one online and one at the center one night a week. I'm a little scared about starting classes, that there might be a lot of work for them. So, I think I might go ahead and order the book for the one class at the center and maybe start reading it before class starts (which sounds really weird, I'm sure, as I have never done anything like that in my life). But, I wanna be prepared and maybe create less work for myself during the semester.


Caroline said...

Great job! And although you probably hadn't heard me yelling at you for not updating, I really was, so good job for finally getting around to it! Thanks for your posts. Your comment really helped me get through Friday, which just SUCKED. Man I wish we lived closer so we could go bike ride together!

Caroline said...

Good luck at WI!