Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Alright, so I didn't post yesterday, mainly because I didn't have time. I worked 8-7, then went over to Emily and Greg's to watch the Memphis game. We just barely won (62-58), but we were really close to my guess for the final score (60-58). I still haven't had a chance to look at the best way to get the food chart into my blog, and since I'm not at home to get it anyways, I am just going to post it without the chart. And, check it out I had beer and stayed in my points :)

Day 2 - Point Total 30
3/4 cup cereal.........................3.....................................27
1/2 cup milk............................2.....................................25
granola bar..............................2.....................................23
Salad w/ lite Ranch.................2.....................................17
granola bar..............................2......................................13
Cube Steak..............................4......................................9
Salad w/ lite Ranch................2......................................7
3 lite Beers..............................6......................................1
Flex Points - Still 35 left
Water - 68 oz

All in all, I would call that a pretty good day. And, the beer is not a normal thing, but I'm surprised that I kept it within the daily points. Goody for me. And, I will try to get the chart thing figured out, but I have to make time for it. Right now, all my time at home has to spent watching tv. And yes, it has to be spent watching tv...I know that sounds wrong, but we are having a tv issue. My parents are about to take the box in to get a new one, because Comcast says it has to be our box. Well, that means that everything that has been taped on DVR, has to be watched. So now, especially since I wasn't home last night, I have to go home and figure out which ones I can watch online and watch the rest of them, so they can take the box in to get a new one. I know, its a major dilemma.

I also lowered my exercise goal for December. I was talking to my mom, and we figured it was probably a lot to start out with. Going from nothing to 30 minutes every day is kindof a jump, so we decided maybe just go 15 minutes a day. That way, if I miss a day (or 5, since I haven't done anything yet) I can exercise 30 another day to make up for it. I think 500 minutes in December isn't quite so daunting.

Also, my mom and I took before pictures and took our measurements Monday when we started WW. I figure since this is going to be the time I lose 90 lbs, I want to document it.


JustMelanie said...

come on now I've already read this entry! time for a new one :)